Monday, January 25, 2010

Until We Meet Again.........

Hey Guys.

This is the last full day of unit 10. I am sadden because I had a wonderful time with both my classes. I meet some wonderful people. It made my term a lot enjoyable and the support that was given was phenomenal. I receive so many blessing that I need to give back.

Some wasn't able to live to see life continue. I would like to pray for all the people in Haiti and give blessing to those who were able to make it through a horrific ordeal. My co-worker that I have worked with for so many years is Haitian and have a brothers, nieces and nephews who are still there. They were saved and their house still stands. I was pleased to hear that because she is such a beautiful person. I can't imaging what she was going through. I told her to take so time off...she is so strong and I would want to be by her side if she needed me.

The help that Haiti is getting for the world touch my heart. It put me to contribute to Haiti also. I will be packing a barrel of clothes and food. Anything that I can contribute I would.

Life is something but at the end of the day if you trust in God...he will make away. My model for the new year remains the same. LEAVE IT IN THE LORDS HAND. This to is a leap we will jump and land straight in the hands of the lord.

Until next time. Stay bless!!!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where at the end

Hi Guys

This is the end of the term. Where do the time goes? This class was very informative. I think my writing has improve. My classmate and professor helped me out a lot. My most difficult part of writing was my thesis statement. But at the end I think I gave a slamming thesis statement that I shocked myself. I hope the professor likes it.

I want to give thanks to GOD who has the key to my life and with this life I was able to meet some very incredible people. My journey in life is to be open minded and respectable to people thoughts and GOD has given me that gift.

My prays goes out to all of the people who has lost their life in Haiti and hope that they will recover from such a drastic episode.

Hope to meet again in other classes and please keep in contact.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Being Supportive

Hey Guys,

I chose to write on endometriosis because of a friend of mine. While learning about the disease I have learned that I may have some of the symptoms. Maybe it is mine over matter. I am learning so much and would like to share it with you. I would like each and everyone of you guys to look into it. I didn't know that this disease can be so severe.

Last Wednesday my friend had surgery to remove some cysts and fibroids. When the doctor went in to remove the fibroids and cysts it became extremely difficult to remove the fibroid in the back of the uterus because of the endometriosis. The endometriosis has taken over her fallopian tube that it squeezed it tight. She had a cysts that was on one of her ovaries that shifted the ovary out of place.

I visited her in the hospital and I was very supportive. She is very strong but was a lot of pain. We prayed and she thanked me. She very special to me. If there is anything I can do for her I will. She has been my friend since we were 14 years old. She was by my side when I was having my children and all I can do is be by her side.

All I can say is leave it in gods hand. He will take care of it. GOD had blessed me with a friend to the end and I will support her with every decision she make. I love this women. She my angel and I am hers.

Until next time. God have full control. Just follow the path that he has for you and when it get hard and sometimes over bearing. He will carry you through.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Unit 8: Revising my project.

Hello Everyone

It has been a cold weekend in New York. I refused to leave the house. I can hear the wind blowing through my window. I think it is safe that I stay in the house. I just been focusing completing both my projects and tending to the children. Preparing the children for school tomorrow and work for myself. Making sure their work is completed and making sure I revised my work. Everyone is dotting their I's and crossing their t's.

I am looking over my work and I think I like what I have written. The time is winding down and it has been a joy reading comments and receiving comments from other peers. I thank you all for your thoughts and ideas. Maybe I still need a little more work to be done.

What I hope the new year bring is peace. Peace in my mind, body and soul. I want to be at ease in what is going on in my life and hope that GOD continues to guide me through my struggles that I am facing at this point and that it wouldn't be a distraction in me completing my goals in life.

I will just leave it with GOD. I pray every night just hoping the best will come. I have been going through so much since I was a small child that I feel that is continuing in my adulthood. They say every struggle is a success and believe I am a witness to that. Until next time. Enjoy the new year.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Leave it in GOD's hands

Hello Everyone

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. My kids had a wonderful time. When they are happy I am happy. I am looking for a good New Year. It is time to move on...stop worrying about what people think. Take the time out and smell the roses. I feel that I have a lot to accomplish and need to focus on me. My new thing for the new year is:"Leave it in God's hands". I need to stop trying hard to please other people and try and please myself. I think my life is about to take a 360 turn for the better. On the back of our dollar bill it says "In GOD we trust". I have to make it happen. I have to pay attention to the many things that surrounds my life in a whole. Evaluate them and pull out the rotten seed. Hey, It is going to be a very hard journey but it needs to be done. The weight have to be lifted of my shoulder or I will die. I don't know what I will do or how I will plan this but I will "What". "Leave it in God's hands". I think school is a plus for me and if I can complete one goal another will follow.

Everyone have a pleasant New Year and be safe and "Leave it in God's hands".


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hello Everyone

Well in New York we had our first snow storm. It was good. I stayed home. I happened to be off the weekend which was even better. Things are looks to be promising. I went to the GYN on Friday. First I changed my doctor and she was able to talk to me and order a few tests. I will let you know more about that has soon as I get results.

I was able to finish my draft. I think I did a pretty good job. This topic taught me a lot. I am glad that I choose Endometriosis. Now that I have learned so much about it. I would like to pass it on to other. So please read my paper and tell me what I left out or need to add. It would be greatly appreciated.

Have a lovely holiday and a wonderful new year. Stay blessed and we will blog later.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Endometriosis....Could it be me.

Hello Blogger.

This week was interesting. I am having trouble getting my thoughts together. My project that I am doing is called endometriosis. While researching endometriosis and trying to put the pen to the paper. I couldn't think of anything to write. Endometriosis is personal to me because my close friend is suffering for it and while researching it I am seeing that I may have some of the sign and symptoms myself. My sign and symptom is different from my friends because I have two children but I had two cesarean sections with both my boys. I am glad that I chosen this topic because endometriosis is always misdiagnosed. I think I may have develop endometriosis from old scars tissue from having the two c-section. I been wanting to have another baby but was unable to get pregnant and I found that every strange. Now that I have this topic I am a witness that it is misdiagnose and I may have had it for 7 years and never realized it and it was never detected by my GYN doctor. I am planning to go to a specialist and get tested done and to see if my actuation is true.

Thank you so much for reading and continue to be bless. God has a way of showing you things and I wounder if this is my way to make miracle come true. Love Ya.
